To capitalize on the promise of their revolution, Syria’s new rulers must embrace democracy

The scenes of rebel fighters celebrating the fall of Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Asad immediately brought to mind similar scenes from Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, and Afghanistan where other seemingly well-entrenched regimes fell with surprising ease. This volatility is due to the prevalence of authoritarian regimes throughout the Muslim world, which has led to the creation of weak and unstable states prone to sudden and spectacular demises. Syria is just the latest Muslim nation to dramatically suffer the consequences of the systemic weaknesses that have destabilized Muslim societies for centuries. 

To break this cycle, Syria’s new rulers will need to build a government that unites and empowers their people instead of trying to control or oppress them. To that end, it may be worthwhile to consider why the revolutions mentioned above all failed.

Some may disagree with characterizing events in Iran and Afghanistan as a failure since the Ayatollahs and Taliban still reign but their refusal to deliver on their promises of freedom and justice for their people warrants the description. In fact, the repressive police states created by Iranian and Afghan clerics to ensure their rule are perhaps the greatest failures among those listed. As such, they provide the most valuable lessons of the bunch. Their oppression has needlessly destroyed the lives of countless innocents while simultaneously making their nations too weak to effectively resist the imperial powers who have been trying to control the Muslim world for centuries. 

If Iran’s and Afghanistan’s revolutionaries were serious about finally freeing themselves from their neo-colonial chains, they would have embraced democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of expression. As the author has argued many times, doing so is the most logical way to stimulate the economic and technological development needed to build powerful militaries in the modern age. Instead of taking these long overdue steps, the Ayatollahs and the Taliban wasted a rare opportunity for real change by replacing their old dictatorships with more vicious ones. 

The people of Yemen, Libya, and Sudan never got the chance to create their own governments because the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the UAE flooded their countries with weapons as part of their plan to sabotage their revolutions. Their machinations also played a pivotal role in the coups that toppled Tunisia’s and Egypt’s short lived democratic experiments. These monarchies are agents of chaos that consistently use their money to prop up authoritarian allies and stamp out any trace of democracy in the region.  

In addition to learning from the mistakes of their fellow revolutionaries and protecting themselves from the toxic policies of the Gulf monarchies, Syria’s new rulers will need to navigate a complicated web of actors and competing interests. Chief among them: Turkey’s desire to begin repatriating refugees and counter the Kurds, Iran’s need to maintain its communications and supply routes to Lebanon, and the Kurds who have long desired their own state. They will also need to deal with the territorial ambitions and hegemonic policies of apartheid Israel and its trigger-happy American allies who happen to have a small force of roughly 2,000 troops in the country. 

The degree to which they successfully deal with these issues will largely depend on whether they have truly repudiated the unhinged views of groups like Al-Qaeda and their ideological offshoots in ISIS. Abandoning their toxic ideology and embracing democracy is the only way to unite Syria’s diverse people, which is, in turn, the only way to develop the strength to stand up to the many foreign powers trying to control them.  

The signs so far have been encouraging, but it is still too early to tell which path they will take. The Taliban played a good game with western media too only to impose a vicious form of gender apartheid on Afghan women while cracking down on non-Pashtun minorities. The real test will come over the next few months and years. As they consolidate power, their actions will reveal their true character and beliefs. If they enact inclusive policies designed to let their people thrive, they can turn Syria into a bridge that connects the region’s Arabs, Turks, Persians, Kurds, Druze, Sunnis, and Shiites, laying the groundwork for greater cooperation between all of them. 

Come what may, one thing is certain – Syria is better off without Asad. He was a butcher and a tyrant who deserves a far worse punishment than exile in Russia. If Syria’s new rulers show the same disregard for their people, their country will remain mired in conflict, and they will inevitably suffer a similar fate. 

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White America’s defense of apartheid Israel is indefensible

This essay was first published here on Nov. 11, 2024 by the Arab American News.

As the controversial exchange between Tony Dokoupil and Ta-Nehisi Coates illustrated, there is a deep disconnect between how many white people view Israel versus how people of color view it. According to a poll conducted by NPR and PBS, 72% of white people support Israel versus 51% of non-whites while another poll conducted by the Pew Research Center shows 68% of white evangelicals support it. This suggests they either do not care or not believe Israel is an apartheid state.

Despite white America’s refusal to admit it, the evidence Israel is a brutal apartheid state is overwhelming and irrefutable. It is not a matter upon which reasonable minds can differ, but an immutable truth.

The term apartheid was first used to describe South Africa’s political system, which was designed to disenfranchise the country’s black majority. It has since evolved into a shorthand term to describe any political system designed to oppress and marginalize people based on their race, ethnicity, or religion. Based on this definition, several human rights organizations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and B’Tselem have described Israel as an apartheid state. Israel’s former attorney general, Michael Ben-Yair, agreed, saying “I must also conclude that my country has sunk to such political and moral depths that it is now an apartheid regime.” Tamir Pardo, the former head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency, put it best when he explained, “in a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”

Mr. Pardo’s description succinctly gets to the heart of the issue. Israel is the de facto political and military authority over the West Bank and the 2.8 million Palestinians who live there. These people have been forced to live under Israeli military law for nearly six decades while the roughly 450,000 Jewish settlers living among them are governed under an Israeli civil code that gives them greater rights and due process protections. Israel is an apartheid state by virtue of the different set of laws governing Jews and Palestinians in the West Bank. To suggest otherwise would be like denying segregation existed in America because it was officially limited to the South. It is a nonsensical argument grounded in racist delusions, not facts.

As Mr. Coates explained, apartheid systems are inherently evil regardless of the context that led to their creation. As such, white America’s defense of apartheid Israel is indefensible. It is largely based on implicitly racist perspectives that show America learned very little from its own dark history of racial injustice.

Bigoted notions of white supremacy have been a feature of the American ethos for centuries. They were enshrined in America’s founding documents and played an integral part in justifying the Atlantic slave trade, the genocide perpetrated against Native Americans, the abuse of Chinese laborers and the Jim Crow era. The only difference between the supposedly enlightened America of today and the overtly racist America of the past is the degree of gaslighting and deflection that now permeates the conversation. Whereas white people were once open about their racist contempt for non-whites, today they simply deny the truth or use ridiculous labels like “woke” or “terrorist sympathizer” to stifle meaningful conversations about their racist actions.

While condemning America’s enduring racism is certainly worthwhile, it is more important to recognize how these values drive violence towards Arabs and Muslims. As Sam Huntington famously argued in his work about the clash of civilizations, the world’s geopolitical tensions are largely tribal in nature. The bigotry and xenophobia that allows so many Americans to ignore or support apartheid Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians are merely a reflection of this tribalism since America and Israel are part of the same Western bloc. These dynamics have shaped America’s hegemonic and violent policies towards Palestine and the Muslim world for decades.

Over the years, America has given a nation that is very close to Nazi Germany on the ideological spectrum $260 billion, which it used to build one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Thanks to this aid, Israel boasts a fleet of deadly tanks, stealth fighters, and drones as well as advanced cyber warfare and intelligence capabilities. As Israeli government minister Amihai Eliyahu admitted when he suggested using one against Gaza’s defenseless people, it also possesses a formidable arsenal of nuclear weapons.

America’s leaders are so blinded by racism and hubris, they believe giving Israel the means to slaughter nearly 17,000 Palestinian children and threaten its neighbors with annihilation will cement its place among them. Nothing could be further from the truth. By empowering it to commit such horrific crimes, America has only made Israel less secure by destroying any chance for genuine peace with the Palestinians or the wider Muslim world.

The push to create a homeland for Jews by conquering Palestine and subjugating its people was an incredibly short-sighted idea born of desperation. It essentially forced Jews out of the fire and into the frying pan by creating the conditions for perpetual war between them and the Muslim world. As the famous Zionist slogan, “a land without a people, for a people without a land” shows by the way it so brazenly erases the very existence of the Palestinians, it was also rooted in blatantly racist values. Instead of forcing Germany to pay for its crimes by carving one of its states out as a homeland for Jews after WW2, the West collectively decided to force Palestinians to pay for its sins. Due to the illogical and immoral perspectives that led to its creation, Israel’s path towards a long and prosperous future in the Muslim world was always tenuous.

Israel’s leaders responded to their precarious position by pursuing a strategy of maintaining total military dominance over the Palestinians and their Muslim neighbors. Buoyed by their destruction of Gaza and decapitation of Hezbollah, they probably believe their strategy is working. But that only proves the depths of their delusions.

Aside from showing Israel is ruled by barbaric sociopaths, the past year has also proven the limits of this strategy by highlighting Israel’s long-term vulnerabilities should it ever need to stand on its own. Even after spending decades arming it to the teeth, America has been forced to provide its ally near daily shipments of ammunition, almost $18 billion in emergency funding, and naval and air defense assets to augment its missile defense systems. All of which shows, without America’s support, Israel’s strategy is doomed to fail.

Though it may be hard to envision today, America’s days of protecting Israel are slowly coming to an end. Its debt currently sits at $35 trillion and is expected to grow to $54 trillion in just ten years. The interest payments required to service it consumed a trillion dollars this year alone and are already the second largest line item in the US government’s budget. Like many empires before it, America has overstretched itself, which means retrenchment is inevitable. When that day comes, Israel will be alone among those it has spent decades abusing.

White America’s support for apartheid Israel is indefensible not just because it is morally repugnant but because it is counter to Israel’s long-term interests. To put things in historical terms, the last time Europeans took control of the Holy Land, they held it for almost 200 years. Eventually, the egregious nature of their crimes united their Muslim neighbors against them, leading to their expulsion. Modern day Israel is only 75 years old but, as the growing cooperation between the previously estranged people of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran shows, the vile nature of its actions has already set similar forces in motion. The only way to prevent history from repeating itself is by dismantling the apartheid state built to rule the Palestinians. Until Palestinians can live in peace and dignity, Israel will remain in a state of intermittent war with not just the Palestinians, but those within the wider Muslim world justifiably compelled to help them. Even if it takes another 200 years, it is only a matter of time before it loses one of these wars.  

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Pakistan versus India, from a bird’s eye

This essay was first published here on September 29, 2024 by the Friday Times.

Pakistan and India have been enemies since the day they were born. The growing gap in power between these two belligerents may soon tip the balances irrevocably in India’s favor. However, both suffer from particularly inept leadership, intent on implementing as many self-destructive policies as possible. As such, their conflict is best described as a race to the bottom.

Pakistan finds itself allied to China while still desperately trying to maintain ties with America, which is intent on arming India as a counter to China. As usual, America’s appetite to sell its tools of death has trumped all rational thought of avoiding an arms race between these old foes. Though intended to deter China, the weapons it sells to India are far more likely to be used against Lahore than Beijing.

As it spends billions arming itself, India’s political culture is becoming more extreme by the day. Its recently constructed parliament building went so far as to include a map of “Akhand Bharat,” a united Subcontinent depicting Pakistan and India as one nation, presumably ruled by the BJP in New Delhi. Modi and his acolytes are sowing seeds that will eventually tear their heterogeneous union apart but seem intent on dragging the region into a war first.

Given their growing disparity in power, Pakistan is destined to lose this war unless it makes some serious changes. India’s leaders are certainly inept, but Pakistan’s leaders could teach classes on the subject. Despite losing every war it has fought against India; Pakistan’s military is the nation’s primary political and economic power. In addition to its feud with India, it finds itself struggling with complicated internal insurgencies in two provinces, suffocating poverty resulting from its backwards economy and massive socio-economic underdevelopment which has also contributed to rapid population growth. Its booming population has undermined Pakistan’s fragile environment and made it more vulnerable to climate change related disasters and water shortages.

Despite these looming threats, Pakistan’s generals and feudal lords refuse to give up their power. Instead of making the desperately needed changes to improve their economic, technological, and military abilities, Pakistan’s leaders have opted to create a neo-colonial relationship with China. As India’s military and technological power grows, Pakistan’s position weakens.

At the heart of this conflict lies Kashmir. The only Muslim majority state in India and desperate to be rid of New Delhi’s brutal rule. Indian security forces have killed roughly 100,000 Kashmiris since 1989 while blinding, maiming, or abusing countless others. Many of the dead are buried in shallow, unmarked graves in the province’s thick forests. Torture, rape, and extrajudicial murder are systematically employed.

It should be obvious from the amount of violence that has gripped the province for decades that Kashmiris have no desire to remain a part of India. The very basis for partition was to provide Muslim majority territories a separate homeland precisely to avoid the sort of bloodshed that has consumed this territory. Which proves Kashmir was never meant to be a part of India. Justice and logic both demand the province either be given its independence or allowed to join Pakistan. The fact that those portions of Kashmir governed by Pakistan have not rebelled like those occupied by India merely illustrates the unjust nature of India’s claim and its brutal actions in defense thereof.

While claiming to be the world’s largest democracy, it denies millions of people their most basic democratic right – to live under a government of their choosing. Kashmir is a definable territory with a long history as a unified cultural and linguistic entity. Its people have just as much right to decide for themselves if they wish to remain a part of India as the Scots of the United Kingdom do. The fact that the latter have been allowed to exercise this right in free and fair elections while the former have not, explains why Scots have not revolted against the English for centuries and why Kashmiris have been forced to rebel against India.

From a more practical perspective, securing Kashmir is vital to Pakistan’s defense and survival. Its national security requires Kashmir remain free from hostile powers and the rivers that feed into its lands are never diverted. As India contains nearly six times as many people and four times as much land as its western neighbor, Pakistan will never present a mortal threat to India. India, however, does present a mortal threat to Pakistan. Its possession of Kashmir represents a knife to the throat no nation can reasonably be expected to abide. Pakistan’s leaders must find a way to remove the blade without triggering a wider war.

Unfortunately, neither side will ever agree to the most obvious compromise: a demilitarized, united and independent Kashmir linked to both Pakistan and India via free trade and water usage agreements that would allow Kashmiris to develop strong economic ties with both nations while paving the way for a broader rapprochement between them. In the absence of logic, the Subcontinent will remain mired in conflict for the foreseeable future and the trajectory of this conflict dramatically favors India.

Pakistan’s government is its own worst enemy

This essay was first published here, by The Friday Times on Sept. 24, 2024.

Pakistanis are a diverse group of people with different perspectives on many topics. One of the few things most of us can probably agree on is that the Pakistani government is unbelievably incompetent and has been since its inception. It has a horrible habit of making the country’s problems worse instead of solving them. The leaked audio of a man from its security services threatening the family of a member of the Pakistani diaspora in Australia shows exactly how.

Here is a link to a YouTube video that contains the audio and provides some context. But for those who prefer a more concise summary, a Pakistani man living in Australia named Salman Shabbir started a petition and sent tweets that offended someone in Pakistan’s government. This official responded by sending armed men to find Mr. Shabbir’s brother in Pakistan, who took him to a local jail. One of these men then called Mr. Shabbir from his brother’s cell phone and proceeded to threaten and beat his brother as he demanded the offensive tweets be deleted. During their conversation, the officer justified his actions on the basis that the tweets were causing “instability” and argued that, as a Pakistani in Australia, Mr. Shabbir should mind his own business.

There are so many troubling aspects to this incident, it is difficult to know where to begin. For starters, never go after someone’s family. Attacking a person’s family is a good way to make an enemy for life. It can only lead to violence. And deservedly so. People will endure almost anything to avenge a loved one, especially when they are unjustly attacked. Pakistan’s rulers would do well to remember the tale of Mohammad Deif, the architect of the Oct. 7th attack on Israel. The Israeli military murdered his wife, infant son, and three year old daughter in 2014. He responded by spending the better part of a decade planning his revenge which consisted of inflicting Israel’s worst military defeat in 50 years.

Thankfully, Mr. Shabbir responded with such overwhelming courage and grace he managed to diffuse the situation before it escalated further. But attacking his family speaks to a level of incompetence and moral depravity that is difficult to fathom. Taking such a drastic step over a petition or social media commentary suggests a complete misunderstanding of when and how the state should use force. It represents a complete failure by the Pakistani government on every level imaginable.

There are certainly times when the state can and must use force. This was not one of those times. As recently explained in reference to the insurgencies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan, when members of the security forces abuse their authority or use force inappropriately, they undermine the very institutions they are fighting to protect, leading to the “instability” they are trying to prevent. Force must always be a last resort, and it must only be used in extreme situations such as confronting armed assailants. Neither tweeting, nor starting petitions fall into this category. People have every right to criticize their government, particularly when it is so inept. Denying this right does far more to destabilize a country than letting them speak their minds.

As Machiavelli explained centuries ago in his seminal work, The Prince, keeping the people happy is easy. All it takes is NOT abusing or oppressing them. This incident is a vivid reminder Pakistan’s leaders cannot meet even this depressingly low standard.  

Yet another aspect of this episode that illustrates the failings of Pakistan’s rulers is the sentiment Pakistanis living overseas have no right to discuss the affairs of their motherland. This idea is equal parts absurd and shortsighted. 

One of the many toxic side effects of having such an unbelievably incompetent and corrupt government is that Pakistan’s economy is poorly run, inefficient, and exceptionally unproductive. For those without family money or connections, Pakistan is a hard place to make an honest living. We could spend volumes going over the data but suffice it to say, most socio-economic indices suggest it is a miserable place to live for the average person.

As a result, millions of Pakistanis have made the difficult choice to flee their country in search of a better life. Over 1.62 million left in just 2023. There are already more than 625,000 Pakistanis in America and another 1.5 million in the UK along with millions more throughout the Middle East. To expect these people to forget about the place of their birth simply because they no longer reside there ignores an intrinsic part of human nature. People are naturally drawn to the land of their forefathers and will often take an interest in its history and affairs. Many will even retain an inexplicable affection and love for their homeland despite having precious few memories of it.

Pakistan’s rulers should be grateful those lucky enough to escape their dysfunction remain so vested in the well-being of their motherland. As a community, Pakistan’s diaspora remits billions back home every year. These funds provide one of the many crutches its leaders use to mask their theft and misrule, insulating them from the need to change. Suggesting those who send their hard-earned money back home should remain quiet ignores their contributions to the nation’s financial well-being and the longevity of its rulers. It also ignores another obvious truth; those who help pay the nation’s bills have every right to comment on how it is run.

From a more strategic perspective, attacking or dismissing overseas Pakistanis is a criminal waste of resources for a country that has very few to squander. Though our time in foreign lands may have imbued us with strange accents and customs, many of us have acquired skills and perspectives that could greatly benefit Pakistan. Like all Pakistan’s people, we are an asset, not a threat.

This scribe, for example, has often dreamed of returning to Pakistan to build a farm. One covered in solar powered greenhouses filled with hydroponic towers and precise irrigation systems to exponentially increase its yield while drastically reducing the amount of water used to achieve it. But investing the necessary capital in a land with insecure property rights, inefficient courts, needlessly violent security agencies, and an opaque regulatory environment known for its corruption is daunting, to say the least. Compounding the problem, Pakistan’s army has decided it wants to enter the field of corporate farming too. Which means this imaginary farm would be competing against its well-connected generals.

Instead of creating an environment that would allow overseas Pakistanis to help the country to our full potential, Pakistan’s leaders prefer to unjustly attack innocent people. Which is one more reason the assault on Mr. Shabbir’s brother epitomizes the self-inflicted dysfunction that has chased so many Pakistanis away and kept the nation so weak and unstable for so long.

The sad truth is that Pakistan is not on a sound trajectory. It is currently dealing with two violent insurgencies, a failing economy, crushing debt, a rising India and the looming threat of climate change as it struggles to rebuild from the floods of 2022. It is well past time for Pakistan’s leaders to admit their way of doing things is not working. They must change course before it is too late. Unfortunately, the egregious nature of this episode suggests they never will.

Of course, they are not alone in their self-destructive behavior. The phenomenon of transnational repression has been well documented as being practiced by many of the world’s nations. America, Israel, India, Iran, and Russia have all attacked and murdered people outside their territory via extrajudicial means. Compared to the crimes committed by so many of the world’s nations, it may seem unfair to castigate Pakistan’s government over what was ultimately a minimal use of force.

As we were all taught as children, just because the rest of the world is jumping off a bridge does not mean Pakistan should follow. The world’s governments are certainly taking a collective turn towards authoritarianism and right-wing ideologies. Even the supposedly liberal democracies of the West have a very hypocritical view of free speech and often treat peaceful dissent as treason. Jingoism and tribalism are the order of the day. But, as these nations will eventually find out, this is not the path to long-term peace, prosperity, or power.

Building a strong society, especially for a nation as diverse as Pakistan, requires not only tolerating dissent and criticism but encouraging it. Constructive criticism, grounded in logic and the free exchange of ideas. These are the foundations upon which vibrant intellectual climates are built. Without one, it is impossible to nurture technological innovation or create governments that are responsive to the needs of their people. Absent these ingredients, commerce languishes, and military power fails. As such, building a wealthy, powerful state requires guaranteeing freedom of expression and encouraging people to speak their minds.

Pakistan’s leaders need to remember their job is not to stifle dissent but to listen to it and that true patriotism requires criticism, not blind loyalty. Due to its large population and well-equipped military, Pakistan has the potential to be the Muslim world’s most powerful state. However, it will never reach this potential unless its rulers take these lessons to heart. Until then, they will remain their own worst enemy.

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On unity and bringing Pakistan, Iran, and the Muslim world together

This essay was first published here by the Friday Times on Sept. 15, 2024.

Shortly before his death, Iran’s late President Raisi spent several days visiting Pakistan. Like many state visits between Pakistani and Iranian officials over the years, his trip was filled with grand proclamations about the affinity between both nations and the need to improve ties. Both sides agreed to boost trade to $10 billion within 5 years. They also agreed to work together to bring peace and prosperity to Afghanistan and jointly condemned Israel’s massacre in Gaza.

These were all worthwhile developments the author has advocated for many times, in a variety of contexts. The need to build an alliance between Iran and Pakistan has been obvious for a long time. They are natural allies with overlapping interests and ideological perspectives. An alliance would drastically improve each nation’s geopolitical and economic positions, giving them the tools to deal with a chaotic world.

Despite their lofty rhetoric and the potential benefits, Pakistani and Iranian leaders have yet to deliver on their promises. As Jahangir Jameel recently explained, cross border trade still suffers from a “staggering number of restrictions, hurdles, and hindrances.” As usual, little meaningful progress has been made.

It is therefore time to consider ways to turn these aspirations into reality by discussing steps each nation can take to finally make good on the promise of building a closer relationship. Creating a strong alliance between them will require a multi-pronged approach that binds them in as many ways as possible. A true alliance, one strong enough to compel Pakistan to stand up to America on behalf of Iran or for Iran to stand up to India on behalf of Pakistan, requires developing multiple overlapping interests to form a deep bond between them. Cooperation must extend to the social, cultural, political, commercial, scientific, academic, and military spheres.

The most logical way to start is by building people-to-people ties with a view towards increasing tourism and travel between both nations. Most of the efforts thus far have emphasized government to government cooperation, which is important but also puts the proverbial cart in front of the horse. Bringing people together is the first and most important step to bringing nations together.

To that end, creating trade, civil, cultural, and professional organizations comprised of Iranian and Pakistani engineers, artists, miners, teachers, law enforcement officers, lawyers, poets, scholars, scientists, military officers, politicians, journalists, businessmen, etc. will be extremely important. The think tanks, universities, and research institutes of both nations must also be connected via exchange programs and frequent symposiums and conferences. Essentially, Pakistani and Iranian people from all walks of life must find ways to converse and get to know each other and make as many excuses to travel to each other’s countries as possible. Poetry recitals, festivals, trade shows, academic competitions between students, scholarly conferences on any and every topic under the sun. Any excuse will do.

Yet another way to accomplish this goal is by building sports leagues featuring teams from both countries and holding tournaments and competitions in as many different sports as possible on a regular basis. A semi-annual soccer match between their national teams would be a great place to start but any sport will work. Rugby, martial arts, Olympic sports, etc. The more events and reasons to travel, the better.

Ideally, this exchange of people and ideas and the connections they create will lead to increased trade, which is also of vital importance. To facilitate trade, both nations will need to take several steps. As a starting point, their governments must harmonize their import and export policies to create a common market between them while removing barriers to trade like tariffs and inconsistent regulations. They must also improve the rail, air, and road connections that link them, build financial networks that are insulated from American sanctions, and make it easy for their businesses to invest in and access each other’s markets while providing neutral and efficient dispute resolution mechanisms to protect their investments.

Creating joint ventures to stimulate and improve their manufacturing and technological abilities would also be wise. Both nations would benefit greatly from building semiconductor foundries, investing in renewable energy, factories that make heavy goods like mining and construction equipment, and modernizing and protecting their agricultural sectors from climate change. Sharing the costs associated with these capital intensive investments and pooling their expertise would help reduce the burden on each nation while creating a common market between them would allow for economies of scale that would increase the profitability of these ventures.

Commercial, cultural, ideological, intellectual, and personal connections are the bedrock upon which strong alliances are built. Once they have been established, government to government connections and political cooperation will naturally follow since the perspectives and interests of their people and elites will be more aligned. France and Germany were once implacable foes who fought several wars against each other. Today, they do $120 billion in trade, coordinate policies in a variety of areas, and are the closest of allies. Their alliance began as a customs union to sell coal and grew into the European Union (EU). Pakistan and Iran have the same, if not more, potential. But they must invest in each other and work together to achieve it.

They must also develop strong military ties. That will require expanding the scale and frequency with which they conduct joint training exercises and increased staff level exchanges and interactions. These exercises should include as many different assets as possible and involve large formations to enhance their ability to work together in a variety of scenarios. Eventually, a formal military alliance that leads to joint weapons production, linking their air defense networks, ensuring interoperability between equipment and ammunition, and deep intelligence cooperation will also be necessary. Just as the Western world’s nations work to protect each other via organizations like NATO and the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, Pakistan and Iran must do the same following the same blueprint.

They must also coordinate their policies on areas of overlapping interests, like dealing with Afghanistan and its duplicitous rulers, who appear to have learned nothing from their long time in exile. At considerable risk to itself, Pakistan helped the Taliban win their freedom from America just as it helped their fathers defeat the Soviets. Instead of responding with gratitude, the Taliban have quietly reverted to form by allowing their nation to be used as a base to attack their former allies.

Their treachery is rooted in their desire to create a “greater Pashtunistan” by combining Afghanistan with Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. While their designs pose a more immediate threat to Pakistan, they also present a great danger to Iran over the long run since chaos in Pakistan will naturally spill into Iran. More importantly, the Taliban will quickly remember their hatred for Iran’s Shiites once they are done dismembering Pakistan. As such, it is in Iran’s strategic interests to work with Pakistan to counter the Taliban.

The withdrawal of American forces was an important step towards stabilizing Afghanistan, but the next step is helping it build a government that contributes to regional peace instead of destroying it. Pakistan and Iran have the most to gain from ensuring the Taliban take this step and they have the most to lose if it does not. Pakistan has historically been the primary conduit for goods shipped to Afghanistan; however, its attempts to use this as leverage to convince the Taliban to behave have been undermined by their ability to import goods via Iran’s Chabahar Port. It is only by working together and coordinating their policies that either nation has any chance at moderating the Taliban’s destructive behavior.

Despite the urgent need, these nations have not come together due to the many obstacles between them. Pakistan’s dependence on the Arabs to absorb its excess labor and provide financial subsidies is one factor holding its leaders back. As a preliminary matter, it should be noted that close relationships with Iran and the Arab world need not be mutually exclusive. If Saudi Arabia and the UAE can invest billions in India, Pakistan can build ties with Iran.

However, if Pakistan is forced to pick, the choice is obvious. For all their wealth, the Arabs are not the allies Pakistan needs. Aside from money, they offer nothing of value. They have no technical skills, universities, research institutes, or military attributes that can help Pakistan. They can only provide a crutch that keeps it perpetually hobbled and weak. While their generosity is appreciated, it will never satisfy Pakistan’s massive development and socio-economic needs. The only way to do that is to build an economy that thrives on trade, not handouts. Iran is a far better candidate to help in this regard than the Arabs.

Pakistan’s fear of America is an even bigger factor keeping these neighbors apart. The reluctance to defy America is understandable. It has the power of an 800-pound gorilla, the morals of a flea, and a history of attacking or sabotaging those who refuse to obey it. But the truth is America is already Pakistan’s enemy. It has been since 2008 when it formally committed itself to strengthening India’s nuclear capabilities. Over the years it has also sold it weapons worth $20 billion and US Senator Marco Rubio recently introduced legislation that would elevate India to the same status as a NATO ally to facilitate the sale of even more advanced weapons. This bill also calls for monitoring “Pakistan’s use of offensive force, including through terrorism and proxy groups, against India” and barring it “from receiving security assistance if it is found to have sponsored terrorism against India.” Whether Pakistan’s rulers want to admit it or not, America is a serious threat to their long-term safety and prosperity. It is intent on arming India’s fanatical government to the teeth and has no regard for the danger this poses to Pakistan.

As its decades long military presence in the Middle East shows, America is not just a threat to Pakistan, but the entire Muslim world. The nearly 17,000 Palestinian children it helped apartheid Israel murder after Oct. 7th are but the latest in a long line of victims forced to suffer for its imperial ambitions. Its unequivocal support for the massacre in Gaza and refusal to withdraw its military from the region show it learned nothing from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan or the excesses of its supposed “War on Terror.” This suggests it is perfectly capable of making similar mistakes vis-à-vis Iran.

Just as the Taliban’s designs on Pakistan represent a long-term threat to Iran, America’s military posture in the Middle East, particularly its aggression towards Iran, represents a long-term threat to Pakistan. The invasion of Iraq killed or displaced millions, plunging much of the Middle East into chaos. If America initiates large scale violence that destabilizes Iran, which has a significantly larger population than Iraq, the impact on Pakistan will be devastating. As the increased insurgent activity in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa shows, Pakistan is still dealing with the consequences of America’s actions in Afghanistan. The fallout from similar violence against Iran will be far more consequential. As such, it is in Pakistan’s long term strategic interests to protect Iran from America’s aggression.

Due to the many ways America’s malign activities threaten Pakistan’s long-term security, it should not be viewed as a barrier to closer ties with Iran but as motivation to develop them. Instead of trying to placate America’s hegemonic demands, Pakistan’s leaders must build the strength to protect themselves from its destructive and unhinged behavior. As the author has already warned, if they do not, it is very possible Lahore’s children suffer the same fate as Gaza’s one day.

Though it would be convenient to place all the blame on them, neither the Arabs nor America are the greatest obstacles to unity between Pakistan and Iran. That distinction belongs to the Iranian and Pakistani governments themselves. Each nation is governed by repressive, authoritarian political systems that are simply incapable of creating an environment conducive to promoting technological or economic development of the sort needed to spur large scale, export-based trade. Due to its oil wealth and greater investments in education and infrastructure, Iran is more advanced than Pakistan, which is exceptionally backwards and inefficient. But both suffer from similar structural deficiencies and weaknesses. For example, each has military elites that dominate their economies and wield a disproportionate amount of political power behind the scenes.

As Europe’s example shows, liberal democratic rule supported by a politically powerful merchant class are vital pre-conditions to EU type integration. Without these attributes, creating the mechanisms and institutions that can bring these neighbors together will be impossible. Consequently, developing a strong, trade-based relationship requires each nation empower their merchants and embrace democracy, freedom of expression, and the rule of law. 

The steps discussed above would also work to integrate additional Muslim states. Turkey, for example, would be a valuable addition to the alliance contemplated herein. Turkish President Erdogan’s recent statements regarding the need for an alliance between Muslims suggests Turkey would be receptive to such a venture. However, political and economic realities require Pakistan and Iran first lay a foundation that can lead to including Turkey since the benefits required to induce it to abandon the Western alliance must outweigh the risks. Providing the necessary inducements will only be possible once Iran and Pakistan pave the way. It is oddly fitting then that Shiite Iran and Sunni Pakistan are the key to uniting and revitalizing the Muslim world. If they can overcome their doctrinal, ethnic, and linguistic differences by focusing on their shared Islamic identities, they have a chance at finally ending the cycle of violence and instability that has gripped Muslim societies for centuries.

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On insurrections and counter insurgency

This piece was first published here, by the Friday Times on Aug. 28, 2024.

Pakistan is currently dealing with complicated insurgencies in two of its provinces. One is primarily being waged by the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) while the other is being waged by an assortment of Baloch ethno-nationalist groups in Balochistan. These developments have rekindled a debate that has flummoxed military strategists throughout the modern era regarding how to implement an effective counter insurgency (COIN) strategy. Doing so requires developing a multi-pronged approach that combines military, intelligence, and law enforcement operations with political and socio-economic policies to form a cohesive strategy while simultaneously challenging the ideology or raison d’etre of the insurgents. To restore peace in its restive provinces, Pakistan’s leaders must use these different prongs together in a mutually reinforcing way to address the many factors fueling these conflicts.

Balancing them properly requires understanding the nature of the fight Pakistan is facing. There are two basic kinds of insurgencies. The first involves guerillas fighting against a foreign military force occupying their land. This is the kind of conflict America faced in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Though the occupying power may consider the problems of maintaining its occupation complicated, in truth such conflicts are easily resolved by ending the illegal occupations causing them and sending the unwanted foreign forces home.

Pakistan is dealing with the second kind, which involves citizens rebelling against their own state. These are infinitely more complicated. All wars are political, but some are more political than others. Domestic insurgencies are perhaps the most political because they involve disputes as to the nature and legitimacy of the political institutions that govern a particular territory between the people meant to share it. They also touch on difficult issues regarding the power of the state to take the lives of its citizens and the extent to which it must comply with due process norms when doing so.

The power to kill represents the ultimate exercise of political authority. Normally, a state is only justified in using this power against those who have been found guilty of a grave crime after they have been given a fair and transparent trial. Most would probably agree that insurrection should be punishable by death, but this depends on the nature of the state and the reason its citizens are rebelling. Not all states are just or legitimate and despite the ubiquitous use of the term, not all insurgents are “terrorists[1].”

For example, Palestinian and Kashmiri insurgents are fighting to be free of repressive states they were never meant to be a part of that have violently disenfranchised them. Compounding the problem, India and Israel have refused to implement political processes to address their grievances. As such, they have every right[2] to take up arms against those who are oppressing and abusing them. So long as they do so within the bounds of civilized society, meaning they limit their attacks to security forces, their actions are not criminal or immoral.

With these general ideas in mind, the rest of this discussion will focus on the role of security forces, political and socio-economic policies, and the need to counter the ideology of insurgents. 


The most important point to emphasize with respect to the use of the state’s security forces is that, due to the inherently political nature of domestic insurgencies, they have the smallest part to play. Though force will certainly be required at times, the less it is used, the better. Violence tends to exacerbate the underlying causes of such conflicts, not resolve them.

The improper or excessive use of force is counterproductive because the key to defeating an insurgency is cutting it off and alienating it from the population it needs to hide and thrive. An effective COIN strategy will therefore be one that does not place an undue emphasis on military operations or heavy-handed police tactics. Regretfully, the Pakistani government has a history of relying on such tactics. It is believed to have disappeared over 5,000 people in Balochistan alone.

Pakistan’s leaders must understand that human rights abuses, disappearances, staged executions, and similar conduct are immoral and do infinitely more harm than good, which is not a coincidence. They only serve to agitate the population and strengthen the cause of those rebelling against the state. When security personnel act outside the law, they undermine the very institutions they are fighting to protect. Such conduct must never be tolerated and those guilty of abusing the citizenry must be held accountable.

When citizens are merely suspected of being involved in insurrection or have surrendered to security forces, the government must always use the legal system to punish them in a transparent and fair manner. Punishments, especially for capital offenses, must be based on concrete and tangible evidence, not suspicion or circumstance.

Similarly, military operations resulting in civilian casualties, widespread destruction, or the displacement of civilian populations, even if unintentional, will only swell the ranks of insurgents while creating sympathy and space for them to operate. When the state uses force against its own citizens it is imperative it does not abuse their legal or human rights and that it takes great care to avoid civilian casualties in those instances when violence is necessary.

The tendency of most military strategists, especially those with a background in conventional warfare, is to favor kinetic operations to achieve a military victory that is typically measured by counting bodies. Their obsession with tactical victories blinds them to the strategic defeat they inflict upon themselves whenever their bombs kill an innocent human being, or as some prefer to describe it, cause “collateral damage[3].”

Aside from being counterproductive if not properly employed, the use of force will not lead to victory for Pakistan because of geography. Due to the ability of groups like the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and TTP to hide in Iran and Afghanistan, Pakistan faces an operational environment like those America faced in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Despite its tactical dominance and superior firepower, it was unable to impose its political will in either of these wars, in part, because it faced insurgents who were able to find sanctuary in neighboring countries. This allowed them to re-group and re-supply in relative safety.

America’s experiences show no amount of firepower can defeat the laws of geography. The long duration of the conflict in Balochistan, which has seen insurgents hiding across international boundaries for decades, and the ability of the TTP to reconstitute itself in Afghanistan after being routed by the Pakistani military is further evidence geography makes a purely military victory impossible.

Although military and law enforcement operations will not, by themselves, lead to victory, they still have an important part to play. Many military strategists believe to win a war one must destroy the enemy’s will and capacity to fight but confuse and conflate the two. Israeli military officers, for example, mistakenly believe destroying the enemy’s will to fight means killing so many people and wreaking so much havoc the enemy is consumed with despair and loses the will to keep fighting. This is a gross misunderstanding of the term.

Neither oppression, murder nor mayhem destroy the enemy’s will to fight. In fact, when directed towards civilians, such actions are more likely to fuel the enemy’s determination. Destroying an enemy’s will to fight is best thought of as resolving the underlying political dispute driving the conflict. It refers to the political dynamics of war. Killing enemy troops, destroying their weapons or their ability to communicate and coordinate with each other, on the other hand, destroys the capacity to fight. This is the domain of violence.

In a conventional war between states, destroying the enemy’s capacity to fight will usually settle the matter, at least in the short term. Egypt’s former ruler Gamal Nasser, for example, may have had the will to fight after the Israeli military destroyed nearly his entire air force, but he no longer had the capacity. Thus ended the Six Day War. Saddam Hussein was equally willing to fight America to hold onto Kuwait, but his military did not have the capacity to do so effectively. 

In an insurgency, destroying the will to fight matters most since these are primarily political affairs. Insurgents, by definition, are lightly armed and often blend into the general population to hide and plan attacks. Destroying their capacity to launch hit and run attacks is exceptionally difficult, particularly when they have bases outside the conflict zone or the benefit of rough and expansive terrain in which to hide. Pakistan’s insurgents enjoy both advantages.

Consequently, the primary role of Pakistan’s security forces will be preventing attacks and maintaining law and order. It is a mostly defensive posture; however, when the rare opportunity to go on the offensive presents itself, it must be seized, despite the difficulties.

These operations must be carried out with extreme precision to avoid any civilian casualties. This will entail relying primarily on intelligence and law enforcement personnel with extensive knowledge of the terrain and enemy paired with well-trained infantry and special operations troops to seek them out in their safe havens, disrupt their finances, and their ability to arm themselves. To do so effectively, Pakistan’s security forces will need to develop strong signals and human intelligence capabilities to locate and attack targets. Timely and accurate intelligence is one of the most important assets in a counter insurgency environment. Without it, wielding force with the precision needed to disrupt the enemy while avoiding civilian casualties becomes impossible.

Instead of following America’s example by relying on drones to attack remote targets, Pakistan will need to rely on mobile infantry as the use of long-range munitions like missiles, rockets, and artillery must be avoided at all costs if civilians are nearby. This also means the use of airpower must be limited to reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and rapidly deploying troops.

Due to the refusal of Afghanistan’s rulers to reign in the TTP, safe havens and supply depots across the border should be considered fair game but must be attacked with the same emphasis on protecting civilians and precision. Similar attacks on Iranian territory; however, would do more harm than good since they would damage Pakistan’s relationship with a nation it must court as an ally. The author has already discussed the best way to ensure Iran is not used as a base to attack Pakistan here.  

The military and security prongs of Pakistan’s COIN strategy are best thought of as short-term solutions to be employed against those extremists who cannot be reasoned with while the more important job of implementing long term political and socio-economic policies meant to destroy their will to fight and deprive them of their support among the populace is carried out. They must be used sparingly but with ruthless efficiency and, when circumstances allow, in accordance with due process norms.  


At their root, insurgencies involve people taking up arms against their own governments due to the perceived injustices committed by that government or its lack of legitimacy and competency. Insurgencies are almost always a reaction to bad or unresponsive governance. As such, the fact that two of Pakistan’s provinces are currently dealing with one is an indictment of its incompetent political institutions. Their inability to diffuse tensions before they turn violent or deliver vital public services has created a toxic environment that has allowed chaos to thrive[4].

Though there are many similarities between them, the underlying political dynamics driving the conflicts in Balochistan and KP differ in important ways. Balochistan has been an integral part of Pakistan since the beginning; however, it has always suffered from neglect, abuse, and discrimination. As Nazir Ahmad and Muneeb Yousuf explained for Al Jazeera earlier this year, Pakistan’s leaders have spent years abusing its people and then demonizing or dismissing them when they demand accountability. The rebellion consuming it is best viewed as primarily a reaction to this abuse and neglect.

The rebellion being waged by the TTP has different origins since the tribal areas that are the epicenter of its revolt have historically governed themselves and were only recently integrated into Pakistan. The TTP’s fighters are waging war to maintain the independence their tribes have enjoyed for centuries but have also stated their desire to ensure all of Pakistan is governed according to their strict interpretation of Islamic law. As such, the situation in KP is more intractable due to the fundamentally irreconcilable differences driving the Pakistani state’s confrontation with the TTP.

Whereas ending the conflict in Balochistan requires improving and reforming the political institutions that govern it, ending the rebellion in the former tribal areas requires building many of them from the ground up while fully integrating these territories with the rest of Pakistan. Despite their differences, each conflict boils down to issues of governance that would greatly benefit from finally providing the sort of good governance and public services all governments are supposed to provide their people. Taking this simple step would destroy the will of most of Balochistan’s insurgents to fight by resolving the underlying political and socio-economic issues driving them to violence. Destroying the will of the TTP’s extremists to fight may be impossible due to their illogical demands but depriving them of support among the general population by building a competent government that provides the vital public services people need to thrive in the modern age would still deal it a fatal blow.    

Pakistan’s leaders must focus on three broad categories of political policies and public services. The first relates to ensuring political institutions are inclusive and responsive to the needs of the people. Much of Pakistan’s legal and bureaucratic system was inherited from the British and designed to assert their control over its people. Its current rulers have maintained many of these repressive legal mechanisms to assert their own power. These antiquated laws must be abolished and replaced with those written and enforced by the people they are meant to govern.

In fact, Pakistan’s entire system must be re-designed from top to bottom to empower its provincial and national legislative bodies. As Machiavelli noted centuries ago, these institutions are the key to a well-run state. They must be designed to represent a wide range of political opinions and interest groups and given primary control of the state’s finances as well as meaningful oversight over its various agencies and departments. The ability to use money to influence their deliberations and policies must be strictly prohibited. Half of their seats must be reserved for women and minority groups must be guaranteed seats according to their proportion of the population. Finally, elections to choose their members must be free, fair, held regularly, and offer people legitimate choices about who should rule them while imposing term limits on the number of times they can hold office. These checks are necessary to ensure legislatures remain beholden to the people instead of the monied interests that have a habit of taking control of them.  

Citizens and the civic organizations and associations they create must be free to meet, organize, express themselves, and lobby for their preferred policies without interference. All Pakistani citizens must be able to participate freely in the political systems that govern them and express non-violent opinions without restriction. Empowering people to order their own lives and express themselves are vital parts of creating a political environment conducive to the peaceful expression of ideas which is a critical step in making sure grievances against the state do not lead to violence. The more the government chokes off political speech or represses organizations like the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement, the more space it creates for violence.

The second set of policies relates to maintaining law and order by protecting citizens from each other, fairly settling disputes between them and preventing government excess, abuse, and corruption. This requires creating honest and effective judicial, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies that can maintain the rule of law and extend the writ of the government to all corners of the country.

Without the rule of law, the prosperity and well-being of the entire society declines. Criminality and chaos reign, commerce retracts, and businesses stop investing. This allows insurgencies to thrive in a variety of ways.

Many of the insurgent groups fighting Pakistan have already tapped into its black market and lawless environment to arm themselves and generate revenue from drugs, smuggling, kidnapping, and protection rackets. The TTP even has shadow governments in at least seven districts to settle disputes and impose governance on the locals. Like a virus, they will only grow and spread until Pakistan’s government builds competent law enforcement and judicial agencies capable of stopping them.

The third set of policies relate to providing for socio-economic development. In the age of the administrative state, governments play a pivotal and multi-faceted role in this arena. Deciding how to invest public funds to spur socio-economic growth touches on the age-old question of whether it is better to teach someone to fish or just give them the fish. A lot of politicians prefer to give the fish away in the form of subsidies, tax breaks, plum contracts, and welfare since these handouts sustain their power. The wiser course is to use public funds to teach people how to fish.

One of the most important ways to do that is by finally building a modern education system that gives Pakistanis the critical thinking, technical, and problem-solving skills required to thrive in the digital age. Pakistan currently spends less than 2% of its GDP on education and its schools are notorious for emphasizing rote memorization over independent or creative thinking. An estimated 26 million Pakistani children are out of school and many of them live in Balochistan and KP.

The need to build vibrant schools transcends these conflicts but it cannot be overstated how much neglecting to do so has contributed to them. The refusal of Pakistan’s elite to invest in public education due to their ability to pay for private schools is yet one more example of their incredibly short-sighted and self-destructive thinking.

Aside from teaching people to fish, governments must create an environment that allows business and commerce to thrive so they can put their fishing skills to good use. This requires a variety of policies too numerous to adequately address here. At a minimum, governments must build economic infrastructure like fiber optic lines, highways, and power plants while providing the essential but often overlooked services like running water, sanitation, internet access, and electricity that make modern life possible. They must also implement fiscal and banking policies that encourage domestic savings so they can be re-invested towards productive ends in the form of loans and reduce regulations that stifle trade or create barriers to entry for new businesses while investing in modern healthcare infrastructure, renewable energy, and boosting exports.

These are all basic, common-sense steps that should be obvious to everyone. Since Pakistan’s leaders have adamantly refused to implement them for decades, it seemed necessary to explain them.

Pakistan’s elite have not been receptive to these ideas due to a variety of historical and institutional factors that we do not have the space to adequately address either. However, it should be noted that land reforms, which are long overdue in Pakistan, would address one of these institutional barriers while improving the socio-economic situations in both provinces, which would also reduce violence.

Despite the desperate need for land reforms designed to distribute smaller parcels to many of the country’s rural poor, no one has devised a mechanism to achieve this goal that is not mired in corruption or subject to abuse. The most logical way to break up large, unproductive land holdings is by using the tax code[5] and market mechanisms to incentivize their owners to sell parcels they are not using to generate revenue by taxing them at a significantly higher rate than productive land. Note the most important variable here is not the size of the tract but whether it is being used productively since those who put large tracts of land to productive use should be rewarded, not penalized. Over the long run, using tax and market-based incentives to break up Pakistan’s many large parcels of unproductive land would slowly ameliorate the negative impact of having so much of its land owned by so few of its people.

To accelerate the process, the 1 million acres of land recently sought by the Army from the Punjab government for “corporate farming” purposes should be re-distributed to the young men and women looking for work throughout the country. To the extent there is unused land in Balochistan and KP, it should be distributed in a similar fashion. Priority should be given to those displaced by climate disasters or conflict and parcels should not exceed 5-10 acres.

To assist these people in putting this land to productive uses, the government must provide them with the training and resources needed to utilize the latest agricultural techniques by funding universities and nurturing local industry that can supply the necessary goods and expertise. Developing these capabilities will require training the scientists and engineers needed to develop new crops, seeds, and technology to improve yields and productivity. It will also require factories that can produce tractors, drip irrigation systems, solar panels, vertical grow equipment, greenhouses, and even microchips to power the sensors, drones, and software used to monitor crops and inputs.

Land reforms combined with modernizing Pakistan’s inefficient agricultural sector and making it self-sufficient would help stabilize both provinces. Aside from stimulating the industrial activity associated with building the goods described above, it would increase the availability of products for export and the raw materials needed to supply other local industries. Most importantly, as Marie Antoinette and the French aristocracy once learned the hard way, providing people with abundant and cheap food plays a part in staving off insurgencies and revolutions too. The need to develop these capabilities is even more pressing due to the looming threat of climate change which has already hurt crop production throughout the country and will only fuel further unrest.

A healthy, self-sufficient agricultural base is the foundation upon which a strong economy and state is built. And building a strong state is the most fundamental element to quelling domestic insurgencies. There will always be extremists who prefer violence over reason. America is full of well-armed extremist groups and militias. But none of them have turned their weapons on their government because the American state is too powerful to challenge. Pakistan must strive to build a state equally capable of dissuading its own extremists from violence. Combined, the policies suggested above would allow its leaders to do exactly that.


Another important, but often underrated, aspect to defeating insurgents is defeating the ideology that motivates them and their supporters. Pakistan’s leaders have taken a step in the right direction by labeling the TTP as “kharijites,” however, the term “munafiqun” would be more accurate. Given their determination to divide and weaken a country with the potential to be the Muslim world’s most powerful state, they are clearly unbelievers masquerading as Muslims or working at the behest of foreign powers against the interests of the Muslim community. In either case, they are hypocrites under both Quranic and contemporary definitions and should be labelled as such.

Aside from accurately describing their enemies, they must do more to articulate why the demands of those rebelling against the state are unjust and irrational. The best way to do that is by explaining why they make no sense.

Though the conflict in Balochistan has primarily been driven by the abuse and neglect its people have suffered over the years, there is also a nationalist element to their cause. The Baloch constitute a unique cultural and linguistic group with their own definable territory. Based on these factors, some believe they deserve their own state.

These views are an extension of the nationalist ideologies that spread to the Muslim world from Europe and helped spur and shape many of the anti-colonial struggles that worked to end its rule of the region. As the Muslim world continues to consolidate and rebuild in the aftermath of these conquests, it is inevitable some of the new states created in the post-colonial period will collapse or be re-shaped based on these same ideas. This is a natural process that has been going on since the beginning of civilization. It can currently be seen at work in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan, none of which are likely to retain their current boundaries for much longer.

Whether Pakistan suffers a similar fate partially depends on whether the Baloch cause-belli is reasonable or realistic. Thankfully, it is neither.  Though the Baloch certainly constitute a unique ethnic group, there are simply too few of them to assert control over their vast province since they are bordered by substantially greater numbers of Persians, Pashtuns, Sindhis, and Punjabis. The laws of demographics and the way in which larger and denser populations naturally expand into and assert control over sparsely populated adjacent territories suggests the Baloch are destined to remain minorities within a larger political experiment. Whether this experiment is centered in Persia, Afghanistan, or the Punjab is the only real question. For a variety of practical and political reasons, such as their proximity and established connections, the Baloch are better off linked to the latter than either of the former options. For all its faults, the Pakistani government is far more accommodating than either the Taliban or the Ayatollahs who rule Iran.

On a more philosophical level, it should be noted that nationalist ideologies and sentiments have no place in the Muslim world. They may have been necessary to help organize resistance to European control but have played a mostly toxic role in dividing Muslim societies into ever smaller tribes that no longer recognize each other as family. The consequences of these divisions have been made painfully obvious in Gaza, Kashmir, Yemen, Chechnya, Bosnia, and many other places. While one can certainly empathize with the Baloch and must concede their perspective is not without some merit, overall, the notion that Pakistan must be divided to support their nationalist aspirations is not reasonable or just.

Despite its many flaws, Pakistan is a noble cause worth fighting for. The growing right-wing belligerence and saffron themed fanaticism in India proves exactly why the Muslims of South Asia need their own homeland and why Pakistan must remain a unified and strong nation to protect them. The Pan-Islamic ideas that sparked its creation are still worthwhile, but they must be revitalized in a way that reflects the realities of today’s world.

Doing that will require building political systems that devolve power down to local communities to prevent abuse by distant elites or feelings of marginalization. Only a liberal, democratic system that respects the differences between Pakistan’s incredibly diverse people and allows them to govern themselves can keep the country together.

Conversely, the authoritarian and draconian ideas articulated by the TTP will keep Pakistan at war with itself forever. Compared to the Baloch, the arguments put forth to justify the TTP’s violence are completely unhinged. The TTP take their inspiration from their brothers in arms in Afghanistan, who spent a combined thirty years fighting off Russian and American occupiers.  They seek to emulate their example by destroying the Pakistani state and creating an emirate modeled after the one created in Afghanistan. In other words, they want to turn Pakistan into Afghanistan, a mediaeval society, bereft of wisdom, scientific knowledge, industry, or modern armaments that has proven incapable of deterring invaders.

Nothing in Afghanistan’s modern history should be viewed as a victory for Muslims or something to imitate. Afghanistan has been repeatedly invaded by a succession of Great Powers because it is incredibly weak and unstable. As a result, it has been unable to build a central government that can bring its diverse people together or field a modern military to defend them. Millions of innocent Afghan lives were torn apart and destroyed because their rulers were too weak to protect them.

Afghans may have been able to fight off their occupiers, but the fact they were forced to resort to guerrilla tactics to win their freedom is a testament to their enduring weakness, not their strength. They are not an ideal to aspire to but a cautionary tale that should inspire others to avoid making similar mistakes by studying why Afghanistan has been so weak and easily conquered for so long.

Part of the answer lies in the extreme and illogical views espoused by the TTP and their Afghan compatriots. Both believe in a harsh and vicious interpretation of Islam that not only contradicts many of the precedents set during the early Islamic period they claim to idealize but makes no sense in the modern era. Like many authoritarian political movements in the Muslim world, the TTP believe the government’s job is to “command the good” and “forbid the bad.”

Giving the government the power to police religious behavior is the most poisonous and inappropriate use of political power imaginable. It inevitably leads to dictatorship and abuse while corrupting a nation’s political and religious institutions. The only way to prevent this corruption is by keeping politics and religion separate. The government’s role is not to enforce religious practices or conformity but to protect the nation from invasion, maintain law and order, and nurture socio-economic development.

The TTP’s refusal to countenance change, accommodate those with differing religious views or empower women epitomizes the sort of incredibly self-destructive and reactionary ideas that allowed Europe to conquer and colonize the Muslim world in the first place. To embrace their worldview is to embrace suicide by inviting more conquest and destruction. It is the very definition of insanity.

If Muslims ever want to put an end to the massacres and violence that have consumed so many of their communities, they must shun the insane arguments articulated by groups like the TTP and Afghan Taliban. They must also change the authoritarian legal environment and culture that allows them to flourish. Pakistan’s sporadic lynchings by angry mobs, blasphemy laws, and the blatant and violent discrimination Ahmadis face are all tied to the same destructive mentality that allows groups like the TTP to take root. Until Ahmadis are free to worship as they please and people are free to speak their minds without fear of mob violence or legal proceedings, Pakistan will remain a land where evil men try to impose their will on others.


Unfortunately, implementing these ideas requires the sort of consensus Pakistan’s rulers are currently incapable of reaching. The country’s most popular leader sits in jail alongside the former director of its premier intelligence agency. Pakistan’s elite is too fractured and focused on doing business as usual to face the nation’s many challenges.

The farcical “election” that brought the current government to power shows the military and its allies have learned nothing from their past mistakes. None of the changes or policies recommended herein will work so long as Pakistan’s military remains its most powerful political and economic actor. As we have explained, defeating insurgencies requires an emphasis on political, not military solutions. Which means Pakistan’s military rulers are ill-equipped to resolve these issues. Nevertheless, they refuse to give way to the civilians best suited to the job or contemplate meaningful reforms. Instead, they appear determined to maintain their power and privileges until the entire country collapses around them or they are swept away in the tumult of revolution.

[1] Also, it should be noted that even “terrorists” deserve due process.

[2] Although the Palestinians are well within their rights to rebel against Israel’s apartheid policies and occupation, as the author has argued many times before, their best course of action is still non-violent resistance.

[3] Another euphemism popular in the West that highlights its moral depravity and ability to de-humanize the victims of its many wars of imperial conquest.

[4] Spill over from the Russian and American occupations of Afghanistan have also contributed to the current situation; however, the choice to arm the most extreme elements within the Mujahideen and support their offspring in the Taliban was made by the government of Pakistan and its short-sighted political elites. As such, Pakistan’s government is guilty of laying the foundations for these insurgencies and exacerbating the issues driving them because of its incompetence.    

[5] This will, of course, require building tax agencies capable of enforcing the tax code and collecting funds without siphoning them.

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For the record

President Biden’s decision not to seek reelection was particularly validating for me. This development is consistent with one of the subplots in my forthcoming novel, How the Assassination of Donald Rumsfeld led to the fall of the Milky Way. It is a work of science fiction involving wormholes and time travel that mostly functions as a parable to show why the Muslim world has been so weak for so long. The main protagonist from Part I convinces himself to enlist in the US Space Force in the year 2025, in part, because the White House is occupied by Gavin Newsome, who replaces Biden after he unexpectedly drops out of the race shortly before the election. The character is an Iraqi refugee who grew up in the suburbs of Maryland and has no desire to serve under a Commander and Chief who supports apartheid Israel and its violence against the Palestinians. I wrote this scene in 2022 in reference to one of Israel’s many other violent attacks on Gaza.  

This prediction is one of several I have made since I began my novels and blog,

For example, over the years I have made repeated calls for the Palestinians to adopt non-violent means of resistance to Israel’s apartheid regime. On Nov. 11, 2020, I even suggested “it is time for the Palestinians to surrender.” My calls for non-violence were based on a clear-eyed diagnosis of the dynamics driving this conflict wherein the Palestinians are hopelessly outgunned by people willing to slaughter innocent women and children.

Given recent events in Gaza, my admonition that “armed struggle plays directly into the hands of the considerably more powerful IDF” has proven depressingly prescient. Although the numerous reports of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed people waving white flags have certainly given me pause, I still believe following my advice to wave white flags of surrender en masse would have prevented much of the bloodshed witnessed since Oct. 7th

I also wrote “Israelis just elected a government that will murder thousands of Palestinian civilians” ten months before its massacre in Gaza on Dec. 5th 2022 and that “when the inevitable happens, most Americans will talk about how “complicated” this conflict is while our government continues to supply Israel with the weapons and funding needed to continue the slaughter.” I further argued, “Israel’s new government is crazy and will very likely end up being genocidal” in that same piece. Here, it was obvious the moment Israel’s extremist government was elected that it would do everything in its power to goad the Palestinians into responding and then use their response as an excuse to unleash horrific violence.

Similarly, I argued the August before Hamas’ attack that efforts to bring Saudi Arabia into the Abraham Accords would never lead to real peace because marginalizing the Palestinians would only make the region’s “problems worse by exacerbating its underlying issues.” Foreign Affairs Magazine published a piece that mostly agreed with my analysis. It just took them eleven months and the war in Gaza to see what was obvious to me much earlier (

My analysis regarding areas outside Palestine has proven equally accurate. On Nov. 17, 2020, I argued the Afghan Republic’s dependence on American military support was a critical vulnerability that would lead to “the development of an entirely new government in Afghanistan that, at best, will have to share power with the Taliban in the near future” eight months before the Taliban marched into Kabul.

On Oct. 20, 2022, when America’s leaders and foreign policy establishment were up in arms about Saudi Arabia’s decision to drive oil prices higher, I mocked the idea that their anger portended a long term shift as some other analysts were suggesting. Instead, I argued this episode was just another bump in their often bumpy relationship that would soon be “glossed over.” The rumors these nations are currently negotiating a long-term security agreement that may involve the transfer of nuclear technology shows my analysis was spot on again.

Even the anti-Muslim riots that  recently shook the UK validate the concerns raised in this piece about the dangers Muslims in America face. The only difference: America’s right-wing nuts are armed with AR-15s, not knives.

Admittedly, forecasting geopolitical developments is more art than science since predicting the exact fallout when political, social, military, and economic trends collide is obviously impossible. It is possible, however, to analyze data, compare it to additional data from the historical record, and use this information to make logical inferences and extrapolations.

Even in a fictional setting written several years ago, it seemed clear Biden’s age would force him to step aside. The difficulty was not in predicting he would be unable to run again but in deciding on his successor. I chose Gavin Newsome because I believed America was too racist and sexist to support a candidate like Kamala Harris. That same scene also forecast Ron DeSantis as the Republican nominee because the idea anyone could support Trump for President again after Jan. 6th seemed beyond the pale.

Similarly, I never imagined Putin would be dumb enough to hold on in Ukraine for this long. It was obvious within the first few months of this war that he had marched his forces into an unwinnable quagmire that could easily lead to the disintegration of the Russian Federation. I still stand by that conclusion, but I underestimated Putin’s willingness to double down on a losing bet and Russia’s ability to withstand western sanction and rebuild its forces. Nevertheless, Putin’s stubbornness over Ukraine will likely have a similar impact as the failed Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, though it may take another decade or so before we see the results.

My repeated ability to accurately forecast world events suggests the underlying analysis driving these observations is sound, which should worry people in America and the Muslim world. As I have stated many times, America is headed for disaster. A reasonable analysis of the macro-trends suggests economic upheaval and large-scale violence are very real possibilities within the next few decades. America today reminds me of Prof. Kennedy’s admonition that “a large military establishment may, like a great monument, look imposing to the impressionable observer; but if it is not resting upon a firm foundation (in this case, a productive national economy), it runs the risk of a future collapse.”

America is headed for the same abyss that trapped the Muslim world centuries ago since it is now controlled by military industrialists and elites who can only thrive when it is at war. As the Ottomans once learned, this is the path to self-destruction.

Unfortunately, my warnings have gone unheeded so far. I do not expect these words will convince anyone either. But as a lawyer, I understand the importance of keeping a record. As such, this piece is intended to memorialize yet one more of my accurate predictions since Part I will probably not be ready for publication before the election in November. At the least, I hope these thoughts will be of interest to those studying us many years from now. But that will probably depend on the accuracy of my other longer-term predictions.

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America’s conservatives make no sense

In the spirit of Kendrick Lamar versus Drake, the following discussion is offered as a diss track about conservatives. It may not be as lyrical or poetic, but it does provide some insight into the silly ideas that fuel their perspectives.  

As we all learn through the process of aging, change is an intrinsic part of life. Conservative political philosophies seek to deny this truth under the guise of upholding tradition, placing them in opposition to the laws of nature itself. As such, they are inherently irrational, which renders them incapable of forming coherent ideologies.

The American strain of conservatism is a particularly illogical variant that illustrates the point well since the policies favored by America’s conservatives are exceptionally incoherent. They claim to favor small government as a defense against absolutism and authoritarianism, but consistently empower the agencies of the state most likely to devolve into despotism, namely, the ones with the weapons. Throughout history, it has been men trained by their governments in the arts of organized warfare and violence who have seized power or abused those they were charged with protecting.

Julius Caesar did not march on Rome with a mob of disgruntled teachers or tax collectors. He marched at the head of an army trained and equipped by the government he was trying to overthrow. Similarly, it is the militaries of Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, and Pakistan, among many others, that have seized political power in their countries, not their ministries of finance or education. The idea that supporting a strong military is a conservative value contradicts the fundamental logic that is supposed to drive the ideology. Nevertheless, conservatives consistently demand massive military budgets.

They argue doing so is necessary to protect America in a dangerous world but ignore some basic facts when assessing the threat level and the number of resources required to contain it. America is arguably the most geographically blessed political entity that has ever existed. Two of its borders are protected by large oceans, while its north is protected by the Canadian Shield. Its natural defenses and vast lands make it a fortress that has no need for a large standing military. A strong navy combined with a small army consisting of a few mechanized divisions along the southern border and a few light infantry divisions trained in mountain and guerrilla warfare in Alaska, backed by a couple hundred advanced fighter aircraft, a stockpile of 100 or so thermonuclear devices, and a robust air defense network to protect against long-range missiles and space-based weapons would be sufficient to keep America safe.

Despite these minimal defense requirements, America has spent trillions building and maintaining the world’s most powerful military. It fields a lethal arsenal of advanced fighters, drones, tanks, and warships, many of which are positioned in Western Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia. Between its fleet of aircraft carriers, forward bases, and airlift capabilities, America can project military power onto nearly every square inch of the planet. It can track and kill anyone, anywhere, using small teams of special forces to hunt down individual targets or it can airlift an entire army halfway around the world within a matter of weeks. It even has enough nuclear bombs to render the planet uninhabitable. America’s military is not designed to protect it but to dominate and control the rest of the world.

Conservatives correctly understand that governments, due to their ability to accumulate power and marshal resources, are the greatest potential threat to a nation’s freedom. But instead of reigning in the parts that pose the most danger, they channel their skepticism towards limiting the state’s ability to provide vital public services like funding education and healthcare or protecting the environment. Unfortunately, their inconsistent ideas extend well beyond the realms of national security and domestic spending.

They also passionately support banning abortions during the earliest stages of pregnancy and denying women access to birth control. These issues touch on some of the most complicated and personal decisions a woman can make. To insert the government into these deliberations by giving it the power to usurp a women’s right to choose represents one of the greatest intrusions of governmental authority imaginable. With respect to childbirth, it takes the decision away from the person in the best position to weigh the unique circumstances that surround each pregnancy, i.e., the mother, and gives it to the government.

Their willingness to ban abortions combined with their refusal to fund public healthcare initiatives show conservatives have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role and purpose of government. Ensuring all citizens have access to the medical care they need is a basic governmental function. No one should die from cancer because they cannot afford chemotherapy. To that end, the government must provide the infrastructure and facilities required to give every citizen access to necessary medical treatment. But giving it control over their personal healthcare choices is an unconscionable expansion of the government’s power well outside its scope of authority. Conservatives would give the state the power to compel life against the wishes of the women who must carry the burden both during and after pregnancy while denying them the resources needed to safely deliver and care for their babies.

They believe the overriding need to save the lives of unborn children outweighs the concerns of the mother. This argument touches on questions that have no easy answer. Some believe life begins at conception, others when the baby is born. The reasonable compromise seems to be that a life cannot be a life until it can survive on its own. Despite this gray area, conservatives have decided life begins at conception and weaponized the courts and their control of various state legislatures to impose their views on their neighbors.

These examples, though very different, show the same thing. Despite the lofty rhetoric about individual rights and limited government, American conservatism is not the product of a carefully considered ideology. It is rooted in a fear of change and the desire for power. America’s conservatives would use their military to control the world and their judges to control women. Their illogical ideas and willingness to use the mechanisms of the state to impose their values on others shows exactly why the exercise of political authority must always be strictly limited, particularly when it comes to matters of life and death like waging war or abortion.

Though many refuse to admit it, America is slowly collapsing under the weight of its contradictions. As its rapidly growing debt of $35 trillion shows, it has overextended itself financially and geopolitically. The inability of its leaders to admit basic facts about their nation’s dire finances and unsustainable military posture have set it on a path to self-destruction. The irrational ideas championed by its conservatives exemplify these trends, but they are hardly alone.

Many liberals also support maintaining a military designed to dominate the world and ignore or whitewash the massacres committed in pursuit of their hegemonic ambitions. They believe the government can and should solve all our problems and that magically printing money will have no consequences. Neither end of America’s political spectrum makes any sense, but its conservatives are especially irrational.

Aside from their blatantly hypocritical views on military spending and abortion, they also believe the US Constitution, a document written centuries ago that once legalized treating human beings as chattel, is inviolable and that rights not explicitly granted by it do not exist. In their quest for power, they have created a cult around a treasonous buffoon who has already tried to overthrow the government once. When America finally implodes, they will shoulder much of the responsibility, though they will likely blame “wokeness” and label any attempts to discuss their toxic role in its fall as “critical race theory” to stifle meaningful debate.

The author is a US Navy veteran and attorney who usually limits his political musings to the Muslim world on his blog, These thoughts were first inspired by his study of its long decline, which is the direct result of the conservative ideologies that have dominated it for centuries. Muslim conservatives vanquished their liberal foes roughly a thousand years ago and the results speak for themselves. In one of the many parallels between the Islamic world and America, the latter’s conservatives are determined to drag their nation down a similar path. Their insane ideas are but one more datapoint that shows America is in the “senile” stage of its development first described by Ibn Khaldun centuries ago, which means the Pax Americana is not long for this world.

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What has the war in Gaza revealed about the world?

Part IV: the “rules” based international system

This essay was first published here, by the Friday Times on July 16, 2024.

This discussion began by focusing on what the war in Gaza teaches us about America. It will now conclude with an examination of what it reveals about its “rules” based international system. Whereas the lessons gleaned from parts I, II, and III were relatively straight forward, using Gaza to understand the nature of the current international order is more complicated due to America’s contradictory behavior and blatant gaslighting.

For example, Jeffery Cimmino and Matthew Kroenig state the Pax Americana is designed to promote stability throughout the world by encouraging “peaceful, predictable, and cooperative behavior among states that is consistent with liberal values and principles” while placing “limits on the use of military force” and advancing “democratic values and human rights.” However, America’s unequivocal support for apartheid Israel and the massacre it unleashed on Gaza’s civilians suggests these lofty principles have no real connection to its actions. Given the disconnect between its stated ideals and actions, this discussion will focus on America’s behavior to determine three aspects of the international system it created, namely, when does it allow people to wage war, does it protect civilians during war, and whether it truly promotes democracy.


Men have traditionally waged war for power, wealth, women, and territory. Every once and a while they build empires that pretend to aspire to greater things like God or democracy to justify their actions, but organized violence is rarely noble or moral. In the aftermath of WW2, the nations of the world tried to create a new international order based on the idea that war must only be waged as a last resort. The United Nations (UN) was founded to ensure states had peaceful ways of resolving their disputes to try and avoid future wars. Unfortunately, the five nations empowered to keep the peace were also some of the biggest arms dealers on the planet and each had its own imperial or neo-imperial ambitions. Thus, the system failed. It is mostly irrelevant now, but the UN charter is still meant to govern the conduct of nations, including when they are permitted to wage war.

Though some have tried to make nonsensical distinctions between “wars of choice” and “wars of necessity” to suggest otherwise, from a moral and legal perspective, war is only ever justified as a means of self-defense or coming to the defense of others in extreme situations. The right to self-defense is an almost universally acknowledged concept best characterized as a natural or innate right that is enshrined in most legal systems including Article 51 of the UN charter. In theory, the idea that violence is only ever justified as a defensive action should be easy to apply. Gaza, and by extension the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict, prove otherwise.

Despite what many in the West would like to believe, Oct. 7th did not happen in a vacuum. It happened within the context of Israel’s 16-year blockade of Gaza, its total rejection of diplomacy including several attempts by Hamas to negotiate a long-term peace, its apartheid system, 75 years of conquest and ethnic cleansing and its policy of occasionally “mowing the grass,” which is a disgusting euphemism popular in the West that refers to Israel’s policy of preemptively attacking and murdering Palestinians. During the two years preceding this attack, Israel’s extremist government did everything it could to provoke the Palestinians by desecrating their places of worship and murdering a record number of children. It even attacked Gaza five months before Oct. 7th in May of 2023, killing nine civilians, including 3 children.

In addition to brutalizing the Palestinians, Israel has spent years waging a relentless bombing and clandestine campaign against Iran and its allies because of their support for the Palestinians. It has bombed Lebanon and Syria hundreds of times. It is also responsible for murdering numerous high ranking Iranian government officials and conducting several acts of sabotage on its infrastructure. It even helped America murder General Soleimani, one of Iran’s highest-ranking officers who worked in a hybrid role roughly comparable to being the head of the CIA and America’s special forces command. As the recent strike on Iran’s consulate in Syria shows, Israel’s aggression has only grown over the past eight months. Inexplicably, Muslims are denied the right to defend themselves from this violence. They can neither respond to protect themselves nor intervene to save Palestine’s defenseless people.

On the other end of the spectrum, we are frequently reminded that Israel’s right to defend itself is absolute and expansive. Israel’s supporters have gone out of their way to frame its massacre as an act of self-defense meant to prevent future attacks. But the IDF regained control of the border within two days of the initial attack. It killed, captured, or expelled Hamas’ entire force, ending the threat they posed. Once Israel reinforced the border with its tanks and armored fighting vehicles, there was zero possibility of a repeat attack. That Hamas was able to inflict as much damage as it did, given its limited arsenal of light weapons, was shocking and mostly due to catching Israel off guard. But pretending it has the capabilities for a repeat performance is ridiculous. As such, nothing that has happened since that day can reasonably be described as self-defense. The slaughter Israel has carried out can only be classified as revenge and collective punishment.  

The current war in Gaza and the entire conquest of Palestine reveals a tiered international system in which a privileged few are allowed to wage war while others must never resort to violence, no matter the provocation. Americans and Israelis, as members of the West, can use violence whenever they deem it necessary and have no limits on who or how many they can kill. Whereas Muslims must meekly accept their fate when they are attacked, lest they be labeled “terrorists” and subjected to more violence.

Gaza is but one example of many that prove the point. When the countless other invasions and violent actions America has committed or enabled, like the invasions of Vietnam and Iraq or the insurgencies it supported in Central America are considered, the pattern shows America and its allies enjoy a monopoly on violence. They are allowed to do anything to feel safe, even if that means destroying another country for no reason at all or murdering entire families in their homes as they sleep.

Men still wage war for the same reasons they always have in the Pax Americana. The only difference is when they are armed with weapons made in America, their cause is automatically considered just. To oppose such men, even if they are stealing your land or bombing your family, is a crime.


Hamas’s attack killed over 1200 Israelis, 377 of whom were security personnel and 845 of whom were civilians. It also took over 250 hostages, including women and children. As such, its attack was condemned in the West because it intentionally targeted civilians. President Biden described it as “abhorrent” and “unadulterated evil” that caused harm to “innocent civilians.” The US House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing it as “barbaric” while one Western commentator argued the violence Israel has inflicted on the Palestinians over the decades did not justify Oct 7th because, “no amount of context justifies killing babies.” These responses were largely due to the belief that Hamas broke the rules by targeting civilians, which is consistent with the idea that the Pax Americana limits the use of military force by protecting innocents during war.

The problem, of course, is that Israel’s response has killed or maimed tens of thousands of civilians. Not only has it killed a staggering number of innocents, but as we have discussed throughout this series, it did so intentionally. Its rules of engagement and targeting practices led it to launch missile strikes on the homes of Palestinian families at night while they were sleeping if its AI software decided one of them might be involved with Hamas. That they were full of children or that Hamas’ fighters were hiding underground was deemed irrelevant. 

Once again, Gaza reveals a double standard. Just as westerners are the only ones who have the right to protect themselves and can wage war under a definition of self-defense so broad it loses all meaning; their civilians are off limits too. Palestinian civilians, on the other hand, are fair game. They can be shot, beaten, carpet bombed, starved, arrested en masse, held without trial indefinitely, tortured or expelled from their homes. Similarly, their homes, hospitals, schools, and places of worship are legitimate targets too.  

In truth, this dynamic has been obvious since the end of WW2, which America concluded by firebombing residential neighborhoods in Tokyo and then dropping two atomic bombs on cities full of women and children. Charges related to the intentional bombing of civilians by German and Japanese officials were even dropped during the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials because the Allies were guilty of committing similar crimes. In fact, one of the few successful defenses available to these officials was pointing to similar conduct on the part of the Allies. Through these proceedings, the founders of the Pax Americana began their reign by giving themselves legal license to murder women and children.

Gaza is just one more example that proves when America, or those it empowers, wage war, they are allowed to murder women and children with impunity. Even an attack on a purely military target like Pearl Harbor will be deemed an offense worthy of burning 100,000 civilians to death. But any attempt to target civilians who deserve protection according to Western eyes, like Ukrainians, Israelis, or Americans, will be met with passionate condemnation and a massive escalation in violence.


To answer this question, we must look beyond Gaza since the current war does not directly touch on this issue. Thankfully, America’s support for apartheid Israel does. There are over 2.8 million Palestinians in the West Bank who have been forced to live under a brutal military occupation and apartheid system since 1967. None of these people have any say over the government that controls their lives and America has actively supported Israel in denying them their right to self-determination for decades. America’s unequivocal support for apartheid Israel unequivocally shows it does not promote democratic values or human rights.

As usual, Palestine is merely part of a broader pattern. In addition to supporting apartheid Israel in its quest to oppress the Palestinians, America has a long history of supporting dictators and juntas across the world. Since listing all the dictators America has armed and supported over the years would take entirely too much space, we will limit ourselves to just a few examples. It is currently the primary arms dealer to the tyrants who rule Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar, and nearly every other Arab country. Without America’s support, the iron grip these dictators have on their societies would be considerably looser.

America’s support for the region’s despots is just the tip of the iceberg. It has also quietly helped undermine or topple the few democratic movements in the region. According to Shadi Hamid, the Obama Administration effectively gave Egypt’s generals the “greenlight” to overthrow their nation’s first democratically elected government. This assertion is supported by its remarkably muted condemnation of their coup and the haste with which it restored ties once the junta was in power, even after it mercilessly slaughtered over 1,000 demonstrators on the streets of Cairo. Mr. Hamid’s work has shed light on the extent to which America actively helped overthrow Egyptian democracy, though its leaders have done their best to obscure these facts.

Given the degree to which Egypt’s military depends on America for many of its weapons, like the F16s it flies or the M1 Abram tanks that form a substantial part of its armored units, it should be obvious, as a matter of simple logic, that Egypt’s generals would never do anything to jeopardize their access to these weapons. As such, it is highly unlikely they would overthrow their government without first getting permission from their favorite arms dealer.    

America played a similar role in toppling Tunisia’s democratic government too, going so far as to deny a coup had even taken place, and has spent decades undermining Pakistan’s civilian rulers while empowering its generals. But nothing illustrates its hostility to democracy in the Muslim world better than its relationship with Turkey. Even with its restrictions on free speech, Turkey’s claim to the title of the only democracy in the Middle East is superior to Israel’s since it has not violently disenfranchised millions of people under its control based solely on their ethnicity. Despite being the only democracy in the Middle East and the frequent proclamations America’s leaders make regarding their preference for working with other democracies, Turkey’s relationship with America has come under increased strain over the past few decades.

Many analysts like to pretend the souring in relations between these two once stalwart allies is due to Turkey’s “democratic back sliding” or disproportionately blame Turkish President Erdogan’s personal ambitions. Nothing could be further from the truth. The primary catalyst for Turkey’s growing rift with the West was its rejection by the E.U, which unmoored and set it adrift from the Western bloc. A secondary driver of this shift is the fact that Turkey’s government has become more responsive to the desires of its people, which is a function of the growing inclusivity of its political system particularly as it relates to the growth of Turkish civil society. Though it is still flawed in serious ways, Turkey’s democracy is getting stronger. As its democratic system has entrenched itself and grown from the shadow of the generals who so frequently tried to control it, Turkey’s leaders have been forced to act according to the wishes of their constituents. The tensions between Turkey and the West are therefore partially due to the fact that its government now gives expression to the Pan-Islamic sentiments of its people. President Erdogan’s passionate denunciations of Israel and embrace of Hamas are just two examples that show how these sentiments impact his rhetoric and policies.

Taken together, these facts show America is actively opposed to the spread of democracy in the Muslim world. Which makes sense considering its goal is to subjugate the region to its interests. Democratic Muslim governments are harder to control and more likely to enact policies that challenge America’s hegemonic policies. A democratic Egypt, for example, would never have worked with Israel to blockade Gaza, just as a democratic Turkey has become more willing to condemn Israeli excesses.


Gaza reveals the true nature of the Pax Americana by showing it is a system that treats Muslim children as legitimate targets during war and denies their parents the rights to defend or govern themselves. As a system predicated on war and domination, it is not based on a set of definable rules but force and coercion. It is designed to violently maintain America’s control over the Muslim world and its resources. Which finally brings us to Gaza’s most important lesson.

America and Israel represent an immediate and existential threat to the peace and prosperity of not just the Palestinians, but the entire Muslim world. They have chosen the path of war and have no interest in real peace. Instead of recognizing that the choice to build Israel on Arab land means they must learn to live as equals with Palestinians, they have chosen apartheid and slaughter. Both believe they have the right to attack any part of the Muslim world they deem fit and have proven capable of mercilessly massacring children in pursuit of their goals.

By any sane measure, meaning one that values all human life equally regardless of the faith or identity of the victims, America has been an agent of chaos, violence, and repression throughout the region. One can only hope those responsible for its crimes live long enough to see justice. There is no statute of limitations on mass murder, after all. Just as Israel’s spies famously tracked down Nazi officials decades after WW2, there must come a day when its soldiers and politicians are dragged before tribunals to face justice for their transgressions alongside their American accomplices.

Before that can happen, Muslims must take the steps needed to protect themselves. Given the unhinged people Israelis and Americans keep choosing to lead them, their racist world views, lethal arsenals, and history of using chemical or nuclear weapons against defenseless women and children, Muslims should be very frightened of the type of violence they are capable of unleashing. The only way to put an end to the threat they pose is by finally taking the long overdue steps needed to build strong states that can defend them and work together.

The key to doing that is building inclusive and democratic political and social systems and institutions that can lead to the economic and technological growth they so desperately need. Muslim nations do not need more guns but more factories, start-ups, universities, research institutes, laboratories, political parties, and independent and honest judges, prosecutors, and journalists. Societies that do not possess such ingredients are incapable of building prosperous economies driven by innovation and technological growth which means they are incapable of building powerful militaries armed with the most advanced weapons.   

These ingredients will also help bring Muslims together, which is the only way to counter the Western coalition’s far greater strength. There is no single Muslim state powerful enough to stand up to America and its friends. The Arab, Central Asian, and African parts of the Muslim world are too weak or servile to be of any use in this regard while those in Southeast Asia are too remote. As such, the burden must fall to Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. It is only by creating a deep-rooted alliance between these nations that Muslims have any chance at finally ending the neo-colonial dynamics that have ensnared them and regaining sovereignty over their lands in both name and fact.

America realized the possibilities of such an alliance decades ago when it created CENTO. The logic that compelled it to do so is still sound. Combining the power of these three nations would give them the strength to protect the Muslim world while stabilizing a large chunk of it. Turkish and Pakistani leaders may not wish to openly break with America, but any fool can see this is inevitable and necessary. America has denied both nations its most advanced weapons while offering them to their archrivals in Greece and India. It is investing in India’s defense industry while sanctioning Pakistan’s and it has an unstated policy of ensuring no Muslim state can ever develop enough power to threaten Israel or its control of the region. Whether they realize it or not, Pakistan and Turkey have no choice but to create an alliance with Iran. All three desperately need each other.

Effectively combining their powers will require linking them on multiple levels. They must create free trade zones reinforced by infrastructure designed to increase the flow of people, goods, and ideas between them. Encouraging tourism by creating international organizations designed to increase people to people contact like sports leagues and professional, civil, trade, and academic associations would also be wise. Even something as simple as starting a soccer league featuring teams from each country would go a long way towards building the sort of ties that can bind these nations. Most importantly, they must create fair and transparent ways for their people to trade with each other on a large scale. The best way to do that is by creating democratic systems based on the rule of law. Which highlights, yet again, the desperate need to build such systems. Bringing these nations together represents the Muslim world’s best hope for finally ending the pattern of conquests and massacres that have plagued it for centuries.

As explained in Part III, it is only a matter of time before America implodes. Its decline will add to the chaos over the short term but may bring some reprieve over the long run. The problem is that at some point, another nation will step in and the same dynamics that prevented Muslims from protecting themselves from the West will still exist. Due to its unique geographic position as a bridge that connects Western Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, India, and China, there will always be powerful states with an interest in controlling the Muslim world. As a result, Muslims nations must remain vigilant about safeguarding their freedoms.  As Palestine shows, the price for failing in this vigilance is paid in blood. If Muslims ever want the bloodshed to stop, they will need to make some serious changes to their societies consistent with the ideas discussed above. Until they do, they will be forced to obey the ridiculous “rules” others impose on them.

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What has the war in Gaza revealed about the world?

Part III: Muslims in America

This essay was first published here, by the Friday Times on July 10th, 2024.

We will now focus on what lessons the carnage in Gaza holds for America’s Muslims. To appreciate the full impact of this war, one must first understand how it fits within the context of America’s relationship with the wider Muslim world, which has largely been shaped by its desire to control the Middle East’s energy resources and make sure no Muslim state can threaten apartheid Israel.

In pursuit of these goals, it established de facto military control over much of the Middle East. It has had bases in Turkey since the advent of the Cold War, but once that conflict ended it used Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait as a pretext to establish a permanent military presence in the Gulf. As the recent attacks on its forces in Jordan, Iraq, and Syria show, it has troops scattered throughout the region. It maintains several air squadrons composed of advanced fighters, bombers, and drones and a permanent naval presence in the region that includes constantly rotating at least one aircraft carrier battle group into either the eastern Mediterranean Sea or Persian Gulf. In total, America has roughly 60-80k troops in the region on any given day. 

In addition to its substantial military presence, it has managed to ensure every Arab state, except Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Sudan, is governed by dictators who must comply with its wishes. To make sure Muslim states are ruled by compliant rulers, it has employed the full spectrum of violence from assassinations and coups to all out invasions. It has also used special forces, drone strikes, and the occasional missile volley to quiet those opposed to its agenda. However, its preferred method of control is selling weapons to Muslim states, thereby making them dependent on America to maintain and equip their militaries. Through these various mechanisms, it has established a form of neo-imperial military control over much of the region and fittingly given it a neo-colonial façade.

It has achieved this power by inflicting unspeakable pain and suffering throughout the region. Gaza is but the latest in a long line of massacres America has committed or enabled against Muslims. An estimated 576,000 Iraqi children died because of the sanctions it imposed before the 2003 invasion, another 4.5 million died because of the War on Terror, and its support and weapons allowed Saudi Arabia to kill 377,000 Yemenis and Egypt to jail 60,000 non-violent political prisoners. Due to these actions, as well as many others we simply do not have the space to list, America has the blood of millions of innocents on its hands.

In sum, at the same time America was inviting Muslims from all over the world to its shores via immigration policies that made it easy for educated professionals to settle there, it was also violently attacking their homelands or supporting the brutal regimes that may have prompted some of them to seek new homes. Given this history and its long-standing support for apartheid Israel, being Muslim in America has always been complicated. By virtue of its decades long attempt to subjugate and control the Muslim world, America’s Muslims have often been in the uneasy position of being viewed and treated as a fifth column who cannot be fully trusted. As a result, dealing with bigotry and Islamophobia is an implicit part of the Muslim American experience.

Despite everything, America’s Muslims have thrived as a community. The Economist went so far as to call the twenty year period after 9/11 a “golden age” for us in which our population doubled and our influence grew. Until eight months ago, we were fully integrated into the fabric of American life and enmeshed in the pursuit of our American dreams.

Gaza has shattered those dreams. The images of mutilated and lifeless Palestinian children have reminded us that America is still perfectly capable of massacring Muslims while hiding behind vile, racist justifications to obscure its crimes. Watching Gaza’s poor people brutally murdered from afar and living in and paying taxes to the country enabling these crimes has been excruciatingly painful.

It has also led to action. As a community, America’s Muslims have spoken out loudly in defense of Gaza’s children. We have marched, petitioned our leaders, and even blocked traffic to bring attention to their plight. Despite our desperate pleas and the overwhelming evidence of Israel’s crimes, most have demonized, dismissed or ignored us. Instead of listening, many accused us of being terrorist sympathizers, pro-Hamas, or antisemitic. Congressman Mike Rollins went so far as to praise blatantly racist counter protesters in Mississippi, one of whom was mimicking an ape and gesturing towards a Pro-Palestinian African American protester. But Mr. Collins is hardly the only bigot in Congress. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American member of Congress, was censured by 234 of her colleagues for daring to object to the slaughter of her people and call for their freedom. On the other hand, Brian Mast faced no consequences for justifying the murder of Palestinian babies by comparing them to Nazis.

These officials are merely a reflection of the society that elected them. America has always tolerated violence and discrimination towards Muslims. Since the start of this war, our children have been stabbed and shot. We have been fired from our jobs, arrested, expelled from our schools, sued, and even barred from speaking at our graduations. All because we refuse to be silent when Israel’s military murders children or ignore that it is a brutal apartheid state guilty of denying millions of Palestinians their basic human rights for nearly 60 years.

While all of this has been going on, most Americans have proven they simply do not care. About the mass murder their government is enabling in Gaza, or the blatant discrimination Muslim Americans face. Aside from a small, vocal minority, most have done their best to ignore Israel’s crimes and their nation’s role in aiding them.

The cumulative weight of this data reveals some very harsh truths. The most obvious: America’s Muslims are second class citizens who do not have the same right to express ourselves as our neighbors. Even when our government actively helps slaughter thousands of children, we must accept its actions without dissent or suffer the consequences. Despite our increased numbers and influence, neither our lives nor our voices matter. Not only do they not matter, but those who insist on expressing them will be silenced.

In many ways, Gaza reinforces what we have known the whole time. Muslims in America will always be viewed with suspicion and hostility. Even when we fully embrace the American ethos and fight for universal concepts like defending children from mass murder, we will be vilified, then ignored.

Gaza has reminded us how precarious it is to be Muslim in America. Nothing proves the point better than the upcoming presidential election. Our choices are Genocide Joe Biden, a self-described Zionist guilty of enabling the worst massacre of Palestinians since 1948 or Donald Trump, another self-described Zionist who believes his opponent has shown too much restraint in trying to limit Israel’s massacre. The only difference between these men is that one gaslights and lies to deflect criticism of his crimes while the other openly embraces and celebrates them. But when it comes to valuing Muslim lives or protecting children from slaughter, they are the same.  

Which leads us to another even harsher truth: Muslims do not belong in America. We are not wanted, and will not be safe if we stay here. As referenced in Part I, America is not on a sound trajectory. Over the next few decades, several seemingly unrelated factors will come together to cause economic and political upheaval of the sort that often leads to violence.

The starting point for such a discussion must begin with the massive debt America has accumulated to pay for its hegemonic ambitions and the exponential rate at which the interest payments required to service it are growing. This expense will cost $12.4 trillion over the next decade, making it the largest item in the budget and creating an unsustainable situation in which America will be printing and borrowing money to pay interest on the money it has already printed and borrowed. In an ironic twist, the debt Ronald Reagan first took on to pay for the arms race that bankrupted the Soviets now threatens to do the same to America. It is no longer difficult to imagine a day when it reaches $70-80 trillion, and the interest payments alone consume more than the federal government collects in tax receipts.  

Aside from printing the dollar into oblivion, America’s leaders have also been entering into free trade agreements that incentivized their companies to shift their manufacturing operations overseas. These agreements have caused millions of once high paying factory jobs to disappear. What was once described as the world’s workshop now consistently imports far more than it exports and has had an incredibly weak balance of payments for over thirty years in a row. This has had wide ranging political, social, and economic effects, the most obvious of which is the MAGA movement. As America’s leaders continue to debase their currency, paying for the massive quantity of goods and inputs their economy no longer produces will become prohibitively expensive. The destabilizing impact of dismantling its manufacturing base will only grow over the next few decades.

The root cause of America’s financial distress is its insistence on maintaining a military that can simultaneously control Western Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia. America’s military is not built to protect the homeland but to project power throughout nearly the entire world. Due to its hegemonic ambitions, it has spent an obscene amount of money on national security over the years and continues to do so. It spent $21 trillion on its military between just 9/11 and 2021 and another $1.7 trillion in 2022 and 2023, which accounts for most of its $34 trillion debt. In its quest to dominate the world, America maxed out its credit cards and the bills are starting to come due.

Alas, its corporate military interests now have such a strangle hold on its political economy that having an honest conversation about the desperate need to stand down and re-adjust the country’s spending and national security priorities is impossible. Instead of being honest about its dire finances, America’s elite wax on about silly ideas like modern monetary theory. Its rival political factions can only agree on massive spending packages that further add to its debt and their desire to dominate the world.  Due to their refusal to accept simple truths, America’s leaders have overextended themselves.

Having dismantled the factories that were the true source of their nation’s power, they no longer have the resources to control Eurasia from end to end. Not only have they overextended themselves, but they have gone against decades of very sensible policies that sought to prevent China and Russia from coming to together by doing everything in their power to unite these giants and their interior lines of communication. If Eurasia is the world island, America is firmly on the outside, looking in, and trying to dominate from the perimeter.

From both a financial and geopolitical perspective, America’s leaders are doing everything possible to accelerate their own demise. When historians look back at their fall, they will probably describe it as the greatest own goal in history. America is arguably the most geographically blessed political entity that has ever existed. It possesses formidable natural defenses that could have allowed it to spend a minimal amount on its military. Rather than use these blessings to strengthen themselves by educating their people and building world class infrastructure to maintain their considerable economic advantages, its leaders spent the past eighty years investing in war and hegemony. In doing so, they have neglected the true source of civilizational power, namely, economic, scientific, and industrial infrastructure and capabilities.

The only thing propping up this house of cards is the dollar, which is the currency of choice for people and governments throughout the globe. In their drive to control the world, America’s leaders are doing their best to change this. They have turned their control of the dollar and the international trading system that relies on it into a cudgel to punish their enemies and coerce any who might disobey their wishes. In doing so, they are incentivizing the rest of the world to find a substitute currency that cannot be controlled from Washington DC. The long-term economic consequences of using the dollar as a geopolitical weapon will ultimately be reduced demand that lessens its value.

Combined these factors will lead to a variety of woes like hyperinflation, exorbitant taxes, high interest rates, higher input costs, reduced investment, diminished public services, and insolvency. These will, in turn, lead to spiraling social and political chaos. By themselves, these developments would be enough to cause violence, but they are not the only trends to consider. At the same time its finances are collapsing, America will also be undergoing significant demographic changes that will only add to the tumult. By 2045, white people will no longer form the majority in America.  

Western societies have frequently featured overtly racist ideologies and discriminatory policies that violently oppressed people based on their faith, race, or ethnicity. The Inquisition, the various progroms against Jews culminating in the Holocaust, the Atlantic slave trade, the genocide perpetrated against Native Americans, America’s and South Africa’s histories as apartheid states, the internment of Japanese Americans during WW2, and Israeli apartheid all have their origins in the Western world’s bigoted and violently xenophobic cultures. These values have been an important component of the Western ethos for centuries and, as Gaza shows, still shape the perspectives of many Americans. Considering this history, it is not unfair to wonder how white people will react to having to share power as a minority, particularly since their declining numbers and power will be accompanied by significant economic upheaval.

As January 6th showed, there are already large swathes of white America who feel alienated and marginalized by the way their country is changing. As their share of the population shrinks, these feelings will only grow. That awful day may have marked the first violent coup attempt in America’s history, but it will not be the last.

Over the decades, America has trained millions of its men in the arts of subverting governments and organized violence. It has also made it easy for them to arm themselves. As the world’s preeminent merchant of death, America is flooded with weapons. There are over 400 million personal firearms floating around the country. According to the Washington Post, 20 million of them are AR15 style assault rifles. In addition to personal firearms, America is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of jet fighters, tanks, armored fighting vehicles, large caliber machine guns, rocket launchers, drones, and literally anything else needed to kill or maim human beings en masse. It features warehouses, factories, military bases, storage depots, and armories full of the tools needed to level places like Gaza. Each of its fifty states even has its own military.

Climate change will only make things worse. The increasing severity and frequency of large-scale natural disasters like wildfires, flooding, and exceptionally strong hurricanes and storms has already caused some insurance companies to abandon several particularly vulnerable states like Florida and Iowa. As the scale of these disasters grows, the costs and impact will too. The burden to rebuild and make the victims whole will ultimately fall to a federal government drowning in debt and therefore unable to adequately cope.

Predicting the exact fallout when these trends collide is obviously impossible. Nevertheless, it is possible to analyze this data, compare it to additional data from the historical record, and use this information to make logical inferences and extrapolations. A reasonable analysis of the macro-trends suggests large scale violence is a very real possibility within the next few decades and that America will soon find itself in serious trouble. Of course, “soon” is a relative term in the historical scheme of things. The Abbasid, Roman, and Ottoman Empires took centuries to fully collapse and be reborn. America seems poised to follow a similar path.  

It is certainly possible its leaders react to the collapse of the dollar by peacefully dismantling the security state they have built, thereby managing a soft landing for the end of Pax Americana. However, given the number of resources they have invested into war and death and the degree to which this has warped their minds, this is not a likely scenario. A society that empowers men like Congressman Thomas Massie, who sends holiday greeting cards showing his family armed with assault rifles, is unlikely to react rationally.

The more likely scenario is that the same people who stormed the Capitol blame this collapse on a “woke” Federal government and react by launching an insurgency that eventually grows into a civil war. They may not even wait for the dollar to collapse and could easily resort to violence if Donald Trump is imprisoned or the next time they refuse to admit they lost an election.  

These possibilities present America’s Muslims with impossible choices. Do we stay where we are not wanted and may not be safe, or do we return to the Muslim world and the hyenas and jackals who rule it?  We will not fare well in an America experiencing economic collapse and social unrest. As a visible minority that has always been viewed with hostility, we would be particularly vulnerable to violence and systemic abuse if the situation devolves into lawlessness or civil war. But for the reasons addressed in Part II, returning to our homelands is fraught with danger too. It will be up to each of us to consider our unique situations when deciding what path to take. Both are full of peril and risks.  

When making this choice, the author can only suggest that the skills and capital we have acquired during our stay in the West might be put to good use in those few Muslim countries like Turkey, Bosnia, Malaysia, or Indonesia that have more inclusive political, social, and economic systems. If we were to move to these countries in sufficient numbers, it is entirely possible we could have a positive impact like the one Crusaders returning from the Holy Land had on Europe so long ago. Their experiences in the more developed Muslim world changed their tastes and perspectives, sparking changes that eventually led to Europe’s Renaissance. There may come a day when America’s Muslims have no choice but to try and spark a similar transformation in their former homelands. Those Muslims who would prefer to avoid the anarchy and upheaval that is sure to accompany America’s looming implosion would do well to start planning for that day now.   

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